600 Patio Pack 15m2 Black Lime

Black Limestone is a popular choice particularly in heavily planted gardens as the dark slabs offer a contrast to floral areas and turf with its natural cleft surface and hand chiseled edges, Black Limestone paving slabs are perfect for areas where slate is prevalent and where a contrasting color is required from light to dark. This Natural Limestone paving fades in color over a time, so to ensure that it retains its color we recommend sealing the paving or setts with color enhancers as soon as possible after installation. This prevents the Limestone paving from fading, preserving the deep jet black color. It is also commonly used around ponds and water features. It is very distinctive and creates a modern look.


Product Description

Slip Resistant – Stain Resistant – Frost Proof – Fade Resistant – No Maintenance Required!



(600 PATIO PACK 15 M2)

 Sizes (mm) Number of Pieces
600 x 90012 Nos
600 x 60012 Nos
600 x 29512 Nos
295 x 29515 Nos
Thickness22 mm Calibrated
ColourBlack Lime
SurfaceNatural Riven
CoverageEach pack covers 15 m2, based on typical jointing gap of 10-15 mm