600×900 Single Size 20m2 Kotah Blue

The ultimate in style and luxury, Kotah Blue Limestone Paving takes your garden design up to a level. Unlike the riven look of the sandstone, Kotah Blue Limestone paving have flatter smooth surface finish and is very consistent in depth, making it sensible for indoors as well outdoors. Kotah Blue Limestone Paving is an incredibly beautiful color of the stone. The Blue limestone creates a brilliant contemporary area when used as garden patio paving. It is a great alternative to slate flooring in indoor applications. Kotah Blue Limestone Paving lends a subtle unique character to your garden design increasing the total aesthetic appeal.


600 X 900 PACK 20 M2
Sizes (mm) Number of Pieces
600 x 900 36 Nos
Thickness : 22 mm Calibrated
Colour : Kotah Blue
Material : Limestone
Surface : Natural Riven
Edges : Sawn
Coverage : Each pack covers 20 m2, based on typical jointing gap of 10-15 mm